
Why behaviour change?

As we transition towards a low carbon society, significant change will be required. Within this context, sustainable behaviour change has a major role to play and the thought leadership of NGOs will be critical.

The transition towards a carbon-neutral society demands change at every level. Citizen engagement initiatives have huge potential to aid achievement of emissions targets, by ensuring that low-emission lifestyles, made up of sustainable behaviours, become the norm as one constituent part of broader systems change. The thought leadership of NGOs, properly informed about the theory and practical implications of behaviour change initiatives, is critical in driving the widespread citizen engagement that is urgently required.

Why the Academy of Change?

Humanity is facing unprecedented challenges due to the effects of climate change that are already being felt around the world.

To meet emissions targets set by governments, with the aim of remaining below 1.5 degree warming compared to pre-industrial levels, we will need the public to embrace a profound shift in ways of life, alongside systemic changes in other aspects of society.

Our aim is to integrate behaviour change theory into the initiatives of NGOs which are engaging with citizens on any aspect of sustainable lifestyles, in order to accelerate and amplify the impact of their activities.

What are we offering?

A free, evidence-based capacity building programme on sustainable behaviour change, designed for leaders working on climate change and sustainability engagement within the NGO sector. The programme enables participants to incorporate evidence-based expertise about citizen behaviour into their strategies and projects, generating greater impact from their activities.

How do we do it?

The Academy of Change capacity building programme intends to help practitioners gain a thorough grounding in the principles and application of behaviour change. Through in-person and online activities and materials, the programme will:

  • Introduce participants to behaviour change, including current tools and theories; and the sustainability context in which our approach to behaviour change sits
  • Expose participants to the latest developments in behavioural science, including talks from leading thinkers in the field and outstanding case studies of practical application
  • Help participants unlock the practical implications of behaviour change, enhancing the way in which they can engage target groups, members and supporters, generating greater impact from their activities and campaigns
  • Enable participants to think more strategically about how to use behavioural research and insight
  • Encourage participants to robustly evaluate their activities
  • Build up a complete picture of how behaviour change thinking can enable participants and their organisations to accelerate change in the sustainable behaviours and lifestyles that will be critical to ensuring 1.5-degree lifestyles are the norm

Who are we?

The Academy of Change was launched in 2017 and is delivered in collaboration by CSCP, ICSC and Behaviour Change. Fifty representatives from NGOs around the world completed the first round of the training programme early in 2019.

CSCP, the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, is an international not-for-profit ‘Think and Do’ tank based in Germany. CSCP works towards enabling a good life within planetary boundaries with multi-stakeholder approaches.

ICSC, the International Civil Society Centre, is made up of 15 of the largest international civil society organisations, working across environmental, human rights, social justice and humanitarian issues. The Centre’s mission is to strengthen the impact and resilience of international civil society organisations and to support people to change their world for the better.

Behaviour Change are a not-for-profit consultancy based in London, UK, who specialise in the practical application of behaviour change theory, as well as thorough research and robust evaluation, to projects focusing on sustainability and other pro-social issues.

The Academy of Change is funded by the KR Foundation, whose mission is to address the root causes of climate change and environmental degradation. The KR Foundation funds work in Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Behaviour, with the Academy of Change project falling under the latter stream.