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Posted 03 August 2021


Listen to Episode 5 of our Podcast Series: Implementation of Behaviour Change Interventions

Have you ever tried putting a sticker on a bin, that is deliberately made ridged so that people cannot put a sticker on it? – The devil sits in the detail, when it comes to implementing your behaviour change intervention. The founders of Academy of Change partner Behaviour Change - David Hall and Rob Moore - speak to Isabel Romilly about a range of different types of projects they have made a reality, from anti-littering gnomes to household recycling. Listen to the podcast to hear about how to tackle some of the challenges you might come across, as well as the tips and tricks they have picked up along the way.

[Go straight to the podcast]
Implementing your behaviour change project might seem like the simplest step after all of the planning, but there are still lots of ways in which you can help your project to become a reality as smoothly as possible. The Behaviour Change team has over 10 years’ experience of implementing dozens of behaviour change interventions. With the practice comes experience, and the wisdom of what can go wrong…

During the podcast, David Hall shares his top tips to avoid issues, in the form of three Ps – preparation, practicality and partnership – from thinking through exactly how things will work, to the practical barriers that could stop your intervention in its tracks, to the importance of working with the right people in order to make things happen. From spending time in the intervention location to truly understand the behaviour, to testing out different solutions, Rob shares some of the Behaviour Change team’s most interesting experiences. Exploring the reality of executing behaviour change projects, we hear advice including how to count dropped chewing gum when cleaners want to clear it up, and how images of grandmothers could help create the social norm you need for your intervention!So, if you are interested to learn more and gather some tips to use in your own projects, listen to this latest podcast from the Behaviour Change team.

To listen to previous episodes of the Academy of Change podcasts – please go to our Insights Library!

The podcast series is part of the Academy of Change, a capacity building programme and offers complementary views on selected behavioural change topics. Through conversations with experts in the field, the topics are explored from a practical perspective in order to serve listeners from different fields and areas of interest.

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