Posted 17 November 2020
/Listen to Episode 3 of our Academy of Change Podcast: Tools for Creating Behaviour Change Interventions
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There is a wide selection of tools that have been used successfully to design behaviour change interventions, ranging from prompts, norm appeals, commitment, feedback or incentives. Some tools, such as social norms, are increasingly well used and understood. There are many, however – among the total of 93 identified tools – which are less well known and not much used.
Our guest speaker, Dr. Stefan Kaufman, Senior Research Fellow at BehaviourWorks Australia, has spent years applying behavioural knowledge to address social challenges across various sectors, from circular economy topics through to wellbeing and health, and in collaboration with a range of public and private organisations. Drawing on his experience, Kaufman highlights that, “Social life is complex, and different theories highlight and obscure different elements of it, so it’s wise to have a few in your back pocket.” A translation of knowledge into intermediary concepts to address real-life, complex problems is possible through behavioural tools.
If you are keen on learning how behavioural change tools work, which ones might be the best fit for your project, and how to implement them – listen to our podcast! In a lively conversation, Dr. Stefan Kaufman and CSCP’s Rosa Strube and Mariana Nicolau, will take you through a variety of tools and share tips and tricks on what works and what doesn’t.
The podcast series is part of the Academy of Change, a capacity building programme and offers complementary views on selected behavioural change topics. Through conversations with experts in the field, the topics are explored from a practical perspective in order to serve listeners from different fields and areas of interest.
The Academy of Change (AoC) is a non-profit initiative of the CSCP, Behaviour Change (BC) and the International Civil Society Centre (ICSC). The AoC is funded by the KR Foundation.